On the basis of pricing garnet sand

With the improvement of living standards, people to meet their own material needs but also began to pursue the enjoyment of beauty, stone culture shine. Today, Xiaobian pick one of popular gemstones -- garnet sand inquiry, what is the basis for pricing the garnet sand?

Garnet sand production is very wide, does not belong to the rare gems, so false rarely. The price from several angles to ten yuan per gram have. The mineral elements because of different origin of garnet sand containing different so different colors, but all superior garnet sand must be transparent, luster. Garnet sand domestic rare domestic garnet sand (dark red) and the Brazil production of garnet sand (color purple).

Garnet sand has been well received by the Ms Amy's favorite, but the price also increases with crystal growth has been, but garnet sand price and how to price below briefly?

1, the color the more light the better, garnet sand this crystal natural color than other heavy, so the light color is very rare! Prices relatively will be higher; a glance with black like color, is the worst, so the price is the lowest.

2, the more transparent and better, any crystals are more transparent and better, including garnet sand, is more transparent price is Gao O!

3, ice crack less, how much ice crack is an important factor in determining the price level, and garnet sand without ice crack is the need of the best, the price is more expensive!

4, on the basis of these, the garnet sand prices from low to high marks for three kinds of color: red, purple, red wine:
In the garnet sand in addition to Green Garnet red garnet sand, sand in the red garnet red garnet sand is one of the best, price comparison of purple, red wine to relatively high.
In addition, the key to garnet sand specification size is pricing, generally the same crystal garnet sand specifications larger price is relatively high!