Honest Horse garnet sandblasting grade can reach SA3

Honest Horse garnet sand can reach the high grade of SA3 blasting.So what can be achieved with different sandblasting levels?Take steel structures, for example
SA1 light injection
The steel surface shall be free of visible grease and dirt, and free of unstable oxide scales, rust, paint coatings and other impurities (water-soluble salts and welding residue).
SA2 complete injection treatment
The steel surface should be free from visible grease, dirt, scale, rust, paint coating and other debris should be removed as far as possible, and any attachments should be firm.
SA2.5 very thorough injection treatment
The steel surface shall be free of visible grease, dirt, scale, rust and paint coating attachments, and any residual marks shall be only slight spots in the form of dots or streaks.
SA3 sandblast until clean metal is visible
The steel surface shall have no visible attachments such as grease, dirt, scale, rust and paint coating. The surface shall show a uniform metallic color.